Saved by My Chemical Romance

Trenton’s “saved by mcr” story

my first time hearing mcr was in 2004 when i heard helena,
i wasnt dpressed but wasnt happy with life,
i also heard teenagers and welcome to the black parade,
but i never got into mcr or was very depressed,
when i met my friend autumn everything changed,
i became depressed and was introduced to mcr,
mcr was the only thing that helped me,
cause i didnt tell my parents so i couldnt get pills,
i went everywhere with my mp3 player,
full of mcr songs,
i had more mcr stuff than autumn,
their lyrics are inpirational and helped me through a dark part of my life,

that is my saved by mcr story….

June 25, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Jessie’s “saved by MCR” story

I’m not even sure when I turned into what I am today started getting depressed. All I know is that one day near the very end of summer vacation last year I was laying around in my room. I don’t even remember what was going through my head. I don’t even remember which method of suicide was going through my head. Oh, right, now I remember. I had some sort of blade to my leg (yes, you read correctly, leg) and I just wanted to dig as deep a gash in me as I could. This very computer was on the other side of my bedroom, and was playing my iTunes library on shuffle. I looked at my leg, and I really wanted to do it. I was afraid of the pain. But, I wanted to die, or something, just any form of feeling.
I’d just raked an ugly cut into my calf and was about to deepen it when I looked up. Famous Last Words was playing. I have no idea what came over me. My Chem had never meant much to me, but it was like something hit me in the face. What the hell was I doing? I dropped the blade, or whatever it was I’d been holding, and I cried until I fell asleep. My Chemical Romance had just saved me from a lot of shit. What did this mean? Was I going insane?
Over the course of the summer, I came to understand that I wasn’t the only one who’d been saved from themselves. Slowly I pushed aside Fall Out Boy, and MCR was my favourite band.
This little incident didn’t repeat itself for some time, but then one night my dad went off on me because I misunderstood his words and asked him what he meant. Yeah, I know. Anyways, he was ranting on about how I’m never going to make it and I’m going to wind up at McDonald’s for the rest of my life because the only thing I really give a damn about is music. Right before he left he hit me over the head. I wasn’t used to being hit, just yelled at constantly. It struck me deeply. After he left, I was plotting my own suicide. I knew where I could get a gun if I was desperate enough, and I was. I didn’t know what there was left to live for. My friends were kind of crappy, always starting drama and whatever. All three parental figures were crappy, and what else did I have? Crappy school grades? Not much to live by. I didn’t care about any of it anymore.
I lay still for a moment, going over the plan in my head. Get Morgan’s dad’s gun. Write a nice little letter to my parents, and wait until I’m home alone. We live in a fucking trailer park, who’s going to care if a gun goes off?
I was planning on what to write in my head, and then I have no idea what happened. It’s like I could hear Famous Last Words playing in my head again. What the hell? Once again, that apathetic exterior melted faster than butter in an oven (what a crappy metaphor, I know) and I just cried again, for like an hour. I’d worn myself down pretty efficiently.
Eventually I managed to pull myself out of the depression I’d sunk into without even realizing it. A few questionable incidents are all that mark me since that time. You guys mean more to me than anyone else in the world. While my friends are going to FCA and preaching to each other for swearing and taking the Lord’s name in vain, I shamelessly admit that I don’t believe in all that (which is pretty extreme when you live in the motherfucking BIBLE BELT). Jesus, in my eyes, isn’t the one who saved my life. My Chemical Romance are, and for that I’ll never stop loving them.

June 25, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , , | 1 Comment

Tiana’s “saved by MCR” Story

every one does think MCR writes about suicide but they write about it to prevent it. they saved my life, i cut my self alot and had to wear arm warmers to hide the cuts and scars from people because i didnt want peopl to know and my friends to that i was emo till one day a girl i hated pulled down my arm warmers and raised it up in the air for the whole school too see i was then called emo and all that other shit i was then about to kill my self because of all the shity fuckin people at my school but then i went on the computer and about to email all my friends before i was about to kill myself saying i was emo and that i was going to kill my self and that i was sorry but then one of my friends sent me a song called “Famous last words” so i listened to it and i fell in love with it i looked up the band and it was called My Chemical Romance i put the knife back and became a fan of MCR i  love mcr and Gerard hes so cute and a good person.

June 25, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Danet’s “saved by MCR” story

Hi, my name is Danet, and if you could, I wanted to share my story with anyone that would listen. Thanks for taking the time to read this.

I’m 13 years old MCR defiantly saved my life more than once. When I was younger, my sister used to listen to MCR and I remember that the first time I ever heard them was when I watched the Helena music video with my sister. I loved it even thought I was so young. I remember watching a lot of MCR videos with her. But after a while, she got into other bands and I forgot about MCR. After all, I wasn’t old enough to really know what they were talking about when they sang songs like Famous Last Words and I’m Not Okay. I had a pretty okay life through 5th grade. My parents fought a lot though and my dad treated my sister like shit. One night, my parents got into a huge fight. And I mean huge. The cops ended up coming to our house. The whole time my sister sat in my room with me while I cried. She stuck by me and I loved her for it. My parents decided on a divorce and it hit me hard because I was so close to my dad. My mum, sister, and I ended up moving out of state to live with my grandparents. Now, at first, everything was okay. Yeah, I had things like “Emo” and “Freak” thrown at me, but I tried to ignore it. When I went into middle school, things got really bad. I was constantly called Emo, freak, and weird, anything you can think of. People constantly asked if I was emo and I always said no. But it just got to be too much and I started cutting myself around 7th grade. I just felt so alone and just plain scared. No one understood me or even wanted to try. My sister shut herself up and pushed everyone away, my so called dad acted like he didn’t give a shit and never paid child support, never talked to us, and went on vacations to Italy with the money that was supposed to be feeding us. This is where My Chem really starts to come into my life. I was looking through Fuse one day and saw a loaded episode on My Chemical Romance. I remembered the name and thought: Hey, I’ll listen to these guys again. So I recorded it and the next day watched it. It went through the song Welcome To The Black Parade and I remembered that. Then it started playing Famous Last Words and I remembered that one too so I started kind of humming along. Then it got to the chorus. I just stopped singing. I just sat there staring at the screen. It felt like I was hearing the song for the first time. I can’t even describe how it made me feel. I just cried. Because, for once, I felt like somebody understood me, I felt like somebody cared. I didn’t feel alone. And since then, I stopped cutting myself and I stopped all of self-harm. I made a promise. I literally said aloud, “I swear to you Gerard, I will never hurt myself again. No matter what.” Now MCR helps me through all of my hard situations. No matter how bad it is, all I have to do is think about something Gee, Frank, Bob, Mikey, or Ray said and I feel so much better. My friends turned to the ‘popular’ life and called me names, I thought of what Gee said “Hey Girls, you are beautiful.” I felt better. My grandparents turned out to be something I hate most (Homophobias), and I almost did something I would regret, but I thought about the song Teenagers and I just walked away. My mum started to try and change who I was, I just thought of how MCR wasn’t afraid to be MCR and I felt better. In a way, MCR had taught me all of those cliché life rules. Don’t do drugs, violence is not the answer, all of it I learned from MCR. And I’m proud of it. One of my friends asked me what I want to do before I die, my reply: “I want to meet My Chemical Romance and say ‘thank you’.” And I swear, one day I’m going to meet them and tell them thank you for giving me my life back.

June 25, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

angelina’s story

haaay all you crazy mcr fan’s im angelina im 12 year’s old and i looove mcr! dont judge me by my age either or i’ll drop you mofo lol jkjk! so here’s my story that i know you all wanna hear! my sister’s freind made my sister a cd! the 12th song on there was teenager’s by my chemical romance! i didnt evan now the name of the song or the band i just knew that this was they best fukkin song eva made! then i bought welcome to the black parade on my cellphone because i wanted more mcr! at that time i was only 10 tehe! but then i lost the cd and my cellphone so i let them die down for a bit! but then last year i was on youtube reaserching twilight video’s and for some reason there was a video labaled welcome to the black parade by my chemical romance! curiosly i clicked on it and i was shocked to hear the song i was in love wth as a child! so i reaserched more mcr vid’s! and i realized how fukkin hott they all were so i started to listen to them evan more then
before! and now i am proli one of the youngest mcr fan’s eva XD and proud of it! so ya thatz my story so peace to your mother and i’ll talk to all you’s mcr fan’s latterz ;D

June 25, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , | 2 Comments